Friday, 18 May 2012

AMA / BD Procurement survey

Between April and May 2012, AMA Alexi Marmot Associates and Building Design Magazine (BD) carried out a survey of BD readers to understand the industry's experience with public procurement through OJEU.  The results provide a fascinating and critical snapshot of the industry's experience and attitudes. You can find a summary of the report below.

AMA / BD Procurement Survey - May 2012
Between April and May 2012, AMA Alexi Marmot Associates and Building Design Magazine (BD) carried out a survey of BD readers to understand the industryʼs experience with public procurement through OJEU. The results provide a fascinating and critical snapshot of the industryʼs experience and attitudes.

Friday, 11 May 2012

Celebrating a 'new' refurbished primary school

On 11th May, Robert Browning Primary School in Southwark formally opened their newly refurbished and extended school with a summer 'street party' to also celebrate the Queen's Jubilee and the bi-centenary of Robert Browning's birth. The whole school community gathered together to create a spectacular event.  Over the last few years, AMA worked closely with the school to design a prominent new entrance that not only welcomes visitors, but also improves security and the school's identity in its community. In addition a new nursery building with a covered play space and  separate garden have also been added - all set in a newly landscaped playground. And finally, administration offices, ground floor classrooms, and toilet facilities were reconfigured to provide a new cluster of teaching spaces - making better use of the tight urban site and creating new, exciting places within the existing Victorian buildings.  
