Thursday, 17 October 2013

Light Touch Library Refurbishments

AMA’s David Jenkin gave a presentation on ‘Light Touch Library Refurbishments’ at AMA on Tuesday. He explained how AMA has been helping Southwark council to transform three of its libraries: Will Alsop’s iconic Peckham Library, Dulwich Library, and currently Blue Anchor Library in Bermondsey.

AMA has been able to improve library facilities these locations substantially, with modest budgets. Through rearranging of shelving, relocating help desks and other facilities, making better use of daylight, and providing some artwork, it was possible to alter the look and feel of these libraries significantly. Previously, this simple approach to design was employed for the refurbishment of John Harvard Library, which AMA led in 2009/10.

In stark contrast to most boroughs, Southwark Council has an ongoing programme to improve the quality of their libraries and have recently opened their new Canada Water Library, while Camberwell Library is under construction.

AMA has a wide range of expertise in library design, and was involved in  the design and renovation of public and university libraries at international, national, regional, and local scale.

Dulwich Library (left), Peckham library (centre and right)
Photos: C. Ford, M. Allport, X. McGinnly

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